Rent the Space
Emmanuel’s space is shared with other faith communities, including: Joonim Korean Presbyterian Church, Hindu Association (annually), Buddhist Group (occasionally), Embassy Church (occasionally)
Other Rentals have included: Music Together for Moms and Tots, Mad Science Camp, Vera Causa Opera, Bengali Cultural Association, The Good Peach, Waterloo Cooperative Pre-School, Yoga Classes, Great Big Theater Company, Dance Fit, AA and NA Groups, and maybe you!
Please either download the PDF Rental Form, or complete the Google Form below and our Office Administrator will respond as soon as possible.
Emmanuel’s space is shared with other faith communities, including: Joonim Church Korean Presbyterian Hindu Association (annually), Buddhist Group (occasionally), Embassy Church (occasionally)
Other Rentals Include: Music Together for Moms and Tots, Mad Science Camp, Vera Causa Opera, Bengali Cultural Association, The Good Peach, Waterloo Cooperative Pre-School, Yoga Classes, St.Louis ESL, Great Big Theater Company, Dance Fit
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