Partners + Associates

Emmanuel United Church Logo

At Emmanuel, we are working to foster relationships with similarly minded organizations, in order to make our communities a more welcoming and healthy space for everyone.

Waterloo Wayside Centre Logo

Waterloo Wayside Centre

The Waterloo Wayside Centre supports and builds community by providing safe places and opportunities to share and connect. In sharing our experiences and gifts with each other, we can meet our immediate physical needs for food and shelter and our long-term need to live independently while contributing and belonging to a loving, forgiving and inclusive community.

Logo for Vera's Place.

Vera's Place

Vera’s Place is a house for female-lead households. Vera’s Place is owned and operated by Emmanuel as a way for the congregation wanted to use the house to do good in the community.

Crest of the United Church of Canada.

United Church of Canada

Learn more about the national initiatives and organization of the United Church. United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations—wherever you are in your faith journey. Read more on the United Church website.

Logo of Joonim Korean Church

Joonim Korean Church


Joonim is a Korean language church that functions out of the shared space of Emmanuel.

Logo of Saint Louis Adult Learning Centre.

St. Louis


St. Louis programs are no longer hosted at Emmanuel.

Please see their website for more information about their programs.

St Louis is an educational organization for adults in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. St Louis stands upon the belief that “there is Hope, Opportunity and Success for All who attend St. Louis Adult Learning and Continuing Education Centres.”

Waterloo Co-operative Preschool


A non-profit co-operative preschool and a registered charity that is run for the children and by the parents of those children. As a co-op, they offer families the opportunity to play a vital role in their child’s education by giving them the option to participate in the classroom once a month.

Donate to Emmanuel United Church

Donations to any partners of Emmanuel can be found on their respective webpages.