
Emmanuel United Church Logo

Emmanuel's Affirming Statement

“In response to God’s love, we celebrate the diversity of creation and commit to fostering and living out a safe community where all are welcomed and affirmed.  We affirm all people for the natural gifts we all bring and acknowledge all as children of God regardless of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnic background, ability or economic circumstance. We embrace all in life and ministry of the church family. We celebrate the blessings that diversity brings to our community, even as it challenges us to journey with Christ down roads we have not yet travelled and so we remain open to ongoing learning. We celebrate Pride every year along with the wider community by hosting an Affirming Sunday in June.”

A group of people walking together on a rainbow crosswalk.

All are Welcome

Emmanuel United is a progressive congregation. We strive to be a welcoming, safe, and supportive church home for people of all sexualities and gender identities.

Inclusive in Everything we Do

LGBTQIA2S+ people are welcome to participate fully in our congregation, from attendance and membership to baptism and marriage.

A group of people standing at a table in a park.

LGBTQIA2S+ Leadership

We are proud to have several members of church leadership who are part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

Donate to Emmanuel United Church

Donations to any partners of Emmanuel can be found on their respective webpages.