Emmanuel United Church Logo

Welcome to Emmanuel United

Whatever your journey, we walk with you.

Our Hybrid Worship

From September to July, our Sanctuary is open Sunday mornings for 10:00am in person worship.  In August we hold joint services with the other Waterloo United Churches.  We also livestream the services Sunday mornings over Zoom with services archived  on our YouTube channel.

Join us on Zoom Sundays at 10:00am (this link is only active Sundays at 10:00am) Note: For security, please join with your full name eg “Roberta Smith.”

If you are joining us for in-person worship, masks are optional but still preferred by some members of the Congregation.

The logo and wordmark of Affirm United.

Community of Faith Profile

The living faith story articulates the community of faith’s ministry focus. This story is our opportunity to share why we exist as a community of faith. The living faith story is an opportunity to tell where God is leading your community of faith. Creating this story is an invitation to articulate, assess, and perhaps even reframe how we are being church.

This most recent Community of Faith was developed as part of our journey forward, together, to describe our place in Waterloo.

Click the link below to download a password protected version of the report.  Please contact the office if you require the password.

Annual General Meeting

Sunday, February 23, 2025

  • More information to be posted closer to the meeting date
Emmanuel United Church Logo
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And catch up with all of our past worship services on our YouTube channel

Want to stay updated and involved with the Emmanuel community? Sign up for our newsletter by sending an email to office@emmanueluc.ca

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the territory upon which we gather. For thousands of years, the Neutral, Anishnawbe, and Haudenosaunee have sought to walk gently on this land. We seek a relationship based in honour and respect with the Original Peoples of this land.


Upcoming Events

Get Involved

We provide a multitude of different opportunities for you to get involved with the community within Emmanuel and the greater Kitchener-Waterloo community. From outreach and charity, to local entertainment and church groups. There is an opportunity for anyone to get involved.

Partners + Associates

Waterloo Wayside Centre Logo

The Waterloo Wayside Centre supports and builds community by providing safe places and opportunities to share and connect. In sharing our experiences and gifts with each other, we can meet our immediate physical needs…

Vera’s Place is a duplex owned by Emmanuel, which the congregation uses to provide affordable housing to female-led families.

Crest of the United Church of Canada.

Learn more about the national initiatives and organization of the United Church. United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations—wherever you are in your faith journey…


Looking to rent a space for your gathering at Emmanuel? Perhaps you wish to host a marriage, baptism or funeral? Find more info on the resources page.

Mission Statement

Emmanuel United Church is an inclusive, multi-generational faith family. In response to God’s love and guided by Christ’s Spirit, we journey together. A growing, nurturing, forgiving, and affirming community, joyfully celebrating our faith and reaching out to all with compassion and hope. Living out its mission, Emmanuel also hosts the Waterloo Wayside Centre and Vera’s Place.
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Donate to Emmanuel United Church

Donations to any partners of Emmanuel can be found on their respective webpages.